If you are or know someone that is struggling and overwhelmed with a home packed to the brim with all sorts of items, there are services available that can help with the journey to a decluttered home. In this blog, we’ll look at two key services: hoarder cleaning and a decluttering service. Although both services may seem similar, there are very distinct differences which make one more suitable for you than the other.

In this blog article, we will help you to identify the key differences between the two by answering the following questions:

  • What is hoarding?
  • What is hoarder cleaning?
  • What is a decluttering service?
  • What’s the difference between hoarder cleaning and a decluttering service?
  • How do you choose the right service for your situation?

If time is short, and you have a question about our hoarder cleaning service, you can contact one of the Ideal response team who are on hand to support you.

What is hoarding disorder?

According to the NHS website, “A hoarding disorder is where someone acquires an excessive number of items and stores them in a chaotic manner, usually resulting in unmanageable amounts of clutter.” Up until 2013, hoarding disorder was considered a form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder but it’s now a recognised condition in its own right.

In the UK, between 2% – 6% of the population are affected by hoarding disorder which is roughly between 1.4 and 4.1 million people. Hoarding disorder is incredibly challenging to treat because of those people that hoard. Few are aware of the impact it is having on themselves and the people around them. In fact, only 5% of hoarders in the UK come to the attention of professionals.

What problems can hoarding cause?

Depending on the severity of the hoarding disorder, it can significantly impact the person’s life. This can include:

  • Being reluctant to let people into the property such as tradesman who need to carry out important repair and maintenance work.
  • Difficulty in getting around the house presenting a higher risk of tripping or falling.
  • Impacting performance at work, personal hygiene and relationships.
  • Cleaning becoming almost impossible which creates unhygienic conditions and a higher possibility of rodent or insect infestations.

Additionally, hoarding creates a higher fire risk because the sheer amount of material in the property can act as fuel which makes the fire spread much quicker.

What is hoarder cleaning?

A hoarder cleaning service is very specialised. Also known as hoarding cleanup, the service works with the person suffering with the hoarding disorder to remove excess items from the property. As well as helping to identify those items that should be kept. Hoarder cleaning is incredibly comprehensive, because it not only tackles the hoard but also removes any hazardous materials. This includes mould, rodent droppings as well as deep cleaning the property once the hoard has been minimised.

The key features of a hoarder cleaning service include:

  • Hoarder cleaning often starts with understanding how severe the situation is. This often involves consultation with family members, the individual, and sometimes healthcare professionals.
  • Hoarded properties can often present risks previously mentioned, such as mould and even structural damage. Hoarder cleaning technicians are professionally trained and accredited to handle any biohazards and ensure safety standards are maintained.
  • Unlike a decluttering service, hoarder cleaning prioritises the emotional well-being of the individual with the hoarding disorder. This requires a considerate and methodical approach to ensure the person feels supported during the process.
  • Hoarder cleaning service technicians have often been trained to understand the emotional challenges someone with a hoarding disorder has. Therefore, the delivery of the service is respectful, non-judgemental and with the highest levels of empathy.
  • Along with carefully removing many years’ worth of items, a professional hoarder cleaning service will decontaminate the areas affected by health hazards. Ensuring it is restored to a safe and liveable condition.  
  • In the most extreme cases hoarder cleaning could involve complying with legal orders.

What is a decluttering service?

Clutter can mean different things to different people. For some it may mean a pile of clothes on a chair and to others it could be books stacked in a hallway. When it comes to clutter, it’s more about how you feel about your space such as feeling overwhelmed by it. A decluttering service focusses on the organisation of things and rarely involves cleaning any biohazards or working in unsafe living conditions.

The key features of a decluttering service include:

  • Aims to improve the functionality and aesthetic appeal of the living space by helping clients to decide what to keep or discard and making it suitable for their lifestyle.
  • Unlike a hoarder cleaning service, decluttering rarely involves deep cleaning such as removal of biohazards.
  • Decluttering often involves more reliance on the client making the decision on the items that are staying or going.
  • Introducing systems for managing and storing items. This could include labelling and storage systems.
  • A decluttering service is often a short-term project with one specific goal in mind such as getting a property ready for a sale.
  • A typical decluttering service doesn’t usually involve collaboration with mental health professionals.

How to choose between a hoarding service and decluttering?

When deciding between a hoarding service and a decluttering service, it’s important to understand the scope of the task at hand. Here are some examples of when to choose each type of service.

Hoarder cleaning is the best option to choose, when:

  • There are hazards to health such as mould and evidence of pests which will require professional deep cleaning and decontamination.
  • The resident has been diagnosed with a hoarding disorder or if the individual is overwhelmed by excessive items in their home.
  • The property is filled so much that it presents a health and safety risk to the resident. This could include fire hazards, blocked exits and unliveable areas.
  • If there is a legal order which mandates cleaning and addressing the hoard.

A decluttering service is the best option to choose, when:

  • The property is clean, functional and doesn’t present a risk to health.
  • Better organisation or storage is required to reduce the impact of the clutter to daily routines.
  • There is a need to downsize the property and therefore reduce the number of belongings.
  • Life circumstances change such as the decision to live a more minimalist lifestyle.

Along with identifying the scope of the project, we recommend researching:


Professional hoarder cleaning will have extensive experience and expertise in handling extreme levels of clutter. It would be worth checking out any case studies they have on their websites too. Such as the hoarder clean in central London Ideal Response completed.


Credible providers of a hoarder cleaning service will also be certified in handling biohazards and mould remediation. An excellent decluttering service provider will usually be a member of a UK professional body such as Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers (APDO).


Just like when you review a hotel before booking a holiday, check the reviews of the company on their website, Google Reviews and Trustpilot.


Generally, hoarder cleaning is more expensive than a decluttering service because there is usually more involved such as biohazard removal, deep cleaning and decontamination.

In summary

Although hoarder cleaning and decluttering are similar in respect to improving living conditions, they are very different in their approach. With hoarder cleaning considered much more comprehensive in its approach. However, if it’s just help needed to manage possessions then, a decluttering service is ideal.

So, if living conditions are causing you or someone you know to feel overwhelmed and you need support from a company with a considerate and empathetic approach, contact one of the Ideal Response team for support.

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