Clinical audits in healthcare
What is a clinical audit in healthcare Clinical audits in healthcare are a way to ensure that the...
Cleanliness during COVID-19
COVID-19: Cleanliness The steps you can take to reassure workers and customers Running a business with...
What are the three steps of the decontamination process?
Whether it’s a chemical spill in a laboratory, a gas leak in an office block or the presence of harmful...
What is the purpose of decontamination?
If your premises has been exposed to a contaminant such as a virus or harmful chemical, the best course of...
How is deep cleaning done?
A procedure used in every industry as well as domestically, deep cleaning can be an effective way to...
The Complete Guide to Effective Deep Cleaning
Deep cleaning is an effective procedure used both commercially and domestically It is one of the most robust...
Pandemic: A Deep Cleaning Overview.
As the Coronavirus pandemic continues, cleanliness has never been more important It seems that everyone in...
Can Ozone Kill Coronavirus?
The impact of coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease is unprecedented First appearing in December...
How long do six common bacteria and viruses last outside the body?
Both bacteria and viruses can cause disease in humans, some of which are mildly irritating while others can...
Decon7 Systems – Residual Barrier Explained
The Mystery of the Decon 7 Barrier The mystery of the "invisible barrier" is solved All surfaces treated with...